
Jenna Nimer

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Min-Hua Tsou

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Yannie Tan

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Utkarsh Singh

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Eamonn Powers

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Tamsin Stringer

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Sankalp Mohan Sharma

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Christian Petrisko

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Hannah Thornton

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Sudiksha Kaushik

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Brandon Hinds

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Russ Gore

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Bennett David

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Maddie Danzberger

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Alexandra Forsythe

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Kishen Mitra

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Shreya Santhanagopalan

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William Generett

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Caroline Mendoza

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Jordan Vinh

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Sanjana Gangadharan

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Rashi Kejriwal

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Bryce Bennett

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Karina Hernandez

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Alexandra Lund

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Christina Pelliccio

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Ethan Wilk

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Lillian Smith

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"To me, this scholarship is more than just money going toward my education, but also an opportunity and a gift that says ‘keep going.' I hope to finish my college career in four years with a pre-med background in order to one day serve those who need to be served."

- Manuel Cerda

STEM scholarship recipient 2013
Loyola University of Chicago