Andre Yeung

Andre Yeung
  • Arcadia, CA
  • Arcadia High School, 2020

Andre is the Co-Founder of Fruit For Homeless (@fruit4homeless) and together with another co-founder, his younger sister Ashley, they have been recruiting helpers and picking fruit from residences to feed the homeless since 2017. Los Angeles’ homelessness surged 75% in six years. In light of the critical homelessness issue and food waste problem caused by unattended fruits in their community, they started this initiative to harvest homegrown overabundant fruits and donate them to non-profit organizations with the goal of advancing social justice and progressing environmental and spiritual wellness. Through the launching of a social media campaign and community outreach, Andre’s team of about 30 helpers has been picking fruit almost every weekend and holidays during the peak harvest season. By spreading the love of fruits also through direct street outreach to homeless encampment, they feed the hungry, build stronger community, inspire people to give, and empower people in need. His team harvested more than 25,000 pounds of fruits that served more than 35,000 homeless and low-income families in the past 20 months. Fruit For Homeless is a handy backyard solution that makes use of existing natural resources that would have been wasted. An additional effect of stripping fruits from trees is the reinvigoration of the tree growth cycles by removing the extra baggage and energy expenditure. This project is sustainable because Andre’s team can go back in the next harvest cycle. It is unique as his team actually goes to people's yards and picks fruits off their trees, different from organizations that pick up surplus produce from restaurants or farmer's markets. Andre has been doing scientific research related to molecular biology at the University of California, Riverside since 9th grade. Andre is also a Congressional Award Gold Medalist for his outstanding achievements in voluntary public service, personal development, sports, and nature expedition.
@fruit4homeless (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram)

Scholarships Awarded: 2018 Captain Planet Earth Day Awards